Running Time: 106 mins.
Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller
IMDB Rating: 4.5(9th June, 2012). For latest rating click here.
IMDB Rating: 4.5(9th June, 2012). For latest rating click here.
Directed by: Vishal Mahadkar
Produced by: Mukesh Bhatt
Written by: Upendra Sidhye
Starring: Kunal Khemu, Amrita Puri, Manish Chaudhary, Mia Uyeda.
Music by: Jeet Ganguly, Pranay, Sangeet and Siddharth Haldipur.
Lyrics: Sayeed Quadri, Kumaar
Distributed by: Vishesh Films, Viacom 18 Motion Pictures.
Release date: March 30,2012
Language: Hindi
Language: Hindi
Budget: Rs. 9 Crore
Box Office: Rs. 17 Crore
The film starts with a man being taken captive and tortured to death by the owner of Trinity Diamonds on the pretext of stealing his diamonds. The Owner, Mr.Zakariya aka Mr.Zaveri, hires Kunal(Kunal Khemu) to be an employee of Trinity diamonds, and Kunal and his wife Aarzoo(Amrita Puri) land in Capetown where they are given a mansion and a handsome salary. However things start to go wrong after Kunal cracks a big deal for Trinity Diamonds and is promoted to Assistant to Mr. Zaveri. He becomes involved in upscale parties and sells diamonds on behalf of his boss Zaveri, but this creates a gulf between Arzoo and Kunal. They hardly have any spare time for each other and frequent fights erupt between them. An agitated Kunal, on one occasion, drinks too much and is seduced by company employee Rosa. Zaveri's brother takes photographs of the event. One day Kunal discovers that there is a lot of over-billing on different accounts that don't have any tie-up with Trinity, so he tries to tell his friend & co-worker Sean. Sean warns him to stop and not to spill the beans as this could harm him. Ignoring this Kunal charges into Zaveri's room and tells the truth. To Kunal's astonishment Zaveri remains calm and invites him for a lunch, where he tells him that Trinity Diamonds often smuggles diamonds and mixes them with legal diamonds to avoid excise and tax duties, and has links with underworld. He advises Kunal that he should keep this in mind, as he could be the future Zaveri of the Trinity Group. Kunal is promoted and sent on an official mission to Angola to obtain a raw diamond in return for a consignment. Kunal reaches Angola and finds the person but is shocked to see that in return for his diamond, the consignment which he is supplying consists of ammunition & arms. While returning from Angola he sees on a news channel that a blast has occurred in India; and that the person suspected for the attack is the same person whom he met & delivered the consignment to. Feeling very guilty he reaches home to find that his colleague Sean has been killed. Kunal feels very ashamed and guilty of himself and confesses everything to Arzoo, telling her that the money actually he earns is blood money(out of people's blood). He decides to uncover the truth and learns that Zaveri keeps a black diary with all his underworld contacts under his table. Next morning Kunal retrieves the diary but is stabbed by Zaveri's brother in lower abdomen. He runs from the office towards police overpowering Zaveri's goons and reaches Zaveri's air-base looking for the police who he has called. Zaveri appears however, and confronts Kunal. Kunal tries to run away from Zaveri as he discloses that his real name is Zakaria. Zakaria has duped the Indian government and fled to South Africa where nobody can lay hands on him. He says Kunal will pay for this betrayal but Kunal laughs and says that he has a wireless mic on him connected to Interpol.Zaveri raises his gun and tries to shoot Kunal, but Kunal overpowers him and hands him over to the arriving Interpol officers. The truth of Trinity Diamonds becomes public and Kunal moves to Mumbai to start a small school and settle with his wife Aarzoo.
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